New year = new life? If we want to change, a new hair colour can help us to see ourselves under a different light and renew our energies, inside and out.
Changing hair colour is one of the most efficient ways to communicate. There are chameleon-like women who love changing their look every year, or even more frequently.
And then there are women who identify themselves with one colour and consider it part of their personality. In between, there are those who think that “changing your hair colour” is a mantra for psychological well-being and should be applied once in a while, because changing, in life, leads to new opportunities. Yes, even at the hairdresser’s.
But the real question is: how should hair colour be changed? WHEN is the right time? It is often said that a woman cuts her hair or changes hair colour when preparing for a breakup. But that’s not all: many decide to give their hair a twist at the beginning of a new year. Statistics confirm that a change of look is beneficial for mood, especially in January and September, months considered to be a good omen for the start of a new year, whether the calendar year, or academic / working year.

Reinventing oneself and one’s life, starting with such a symbolic gesture, is good and right. It is not just the diktats of fashions and seasonal trends that say this, but psychologists, too. Many forums and specialist research available online show that 65% of women opt for a hair colour change between the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, or before spring. Changing look is good for self-esteem, and if this happens in conjunction with a new beginning, the positive effect doubles. Renewing hair colour makes us more aware of our image, makes us feel in control of what we communicate, more dynamic and multifaceted. In short, more than a new haircut, a change of shade gives us the vitality and energy necessary to face daily challenges and the future.
If you’ve been thinking about changing your hair colour for a while, try doing it NOW, and take advantage of this new beginning to give yourself a boost. How can you choose the right hair colour to change for the better? Trust your instincts! And also take into account your features and complexion.
Changing your hair colour: tell me which colour and I’ll tell you who you are.
Brunettes, blonds, reds. We all love our natural colour madly, but let’s face it, it is often shades other than our own that appeal to us the most. So how can we face a total change of look? With this awareness.
Brown hair: earth tones = simplicity.
Dark, intense browns, chocolate, chestnut or hazelnut, shades of honey and bronze, are all typical shades of the earth. The woman who chooses to try a brown colour, coming from an ash blond or a copper red, is usually a person who loves simplicity, minimalism and the essentiality of authentic values.
Blond hair: the brightness of the sun = sunshine.
Blond hair is a very ancient symbol of female beauty, perhaps the most famous par excellence and is, in all its shades, the favorite colour of women who need to lighten up (inside and out) to regain a sense of seduction or lost sunshine. In short, blond hair always means guaranteed charm.
Red hair: the colour of fire = vitality.
Natural red hair is the rarest of all. Rebellious red, fiery red, coppery red or mahogany are decidedly stimulating colours that do not go unnoticed. Creative, spirited and dreamy woman will more easily opt for a bright hair colour change like red.
Pink and purple hair: fluorescent colours, originality.

Energy, personal fulfilment. Those who go crazy for pastel shades and so-called crazy colours are usually curious, a dreamer, with a rebellious spirit.
All bright colours can motivate us to take a new path, making us feel different, better people. Aiming for a hue with a thousand shades can therefore be very therapeutic, it can make us see more light in our life, starting from looking in the mirror. Try it first on the ends, to see the effect, and if you like it … Yes, go for the total look change!
Whichever shade you prefer, changing your hair colour generates a state of joy and euphoria. If we let ourselves be guided by our instincts and rely on our trusted hairstylist, then this change will surely lead to a positive outcome in different areas of our life. Good luck!