Colour Philosophy
This course is part of a growth journey
This course is part of a growth journey
Certify yourself as Re-Natural wizard.
Acquire a new tool to choose the best chromatic tones with your client.
An advanced and practical visual approach to position the tones of milk_shake colour system.
You will learn a new way to look at colours.
Have fun complementing or emphasizing your client’s face through the comprehension of the principles of face-shape and contouring.
You will plan and create your Re-Natural on model.
Photograph your work to improve your visibility on social media.
Dedicated to colourists who partecipated to Colour Philosophy On The Road seminar
Course duration:
Experiential, interactive and funny, theory and practice on model
Designed for colorists who completed Colour Philosophy On The Road seminar and having a good knowledge of milk_shake products and a strong attitude towards colour service specialization
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